At the end of May the second Austrian Climate Camp will take place outside of Vienna. With the camp we want to provide room for the climate justice movement to evolve and for people to network. The camp should provide space to share ideas, interests, and information and also be a place of inspiration; a space where people meet to grow together and come up with creative actions and strategies for change and a good life for everyone.
All infos about the camp Demonstration at the airport
At the button “I’m coming” you can sign up for our Info-list, to get more informations. Also there is a ride-sharing-site .
Organizing a climate camp can be expensive. We are looking forward to donations.
Queries or questions: write an e-mail to
We thank our supporters:
Other climate camps:
Czech Climate Camp, 21.-24. Juni 2017
Rhineland Climate Camp, 18.-29. August 2017